
Web Wednesday

Happy humpday, all! FYI- it just means it's the middle of the week. Not the other thing. ;) I thought I might start posting some of my recent favorites on the web every Wednesday. Hence the term "Web Wednesday." I know, very clever. I pride myself on that.

Old Magazine Covers

Truck Spills - whale

Funny idea

Ctrl vs. Esc

My BIGGEST pet peeve!

Okay, that's all for this week's Web Wednesday. Hope you liked 'em! And don't be shy, I like comments. ;-D

xoxo ♡


Sharon said...

You are a funny one!

Hey! The links for "fun idea" and "ctrl vs. Esc" are the same thing... it took me a minute too long to figure that out. The dork I am kept thinking I was clicking on the same link!

Brianne H. said...

Thanks Sharon! ;) I fixed them. Glad you told me, I don't know what I was thinking!!

jeramy sossaman said...

WOW! The whale thing....WHOA!!! That was amazing!

Anonymous said...

hehe great post.