
PINK!!!! ;)

that's right, folks!!! I did it!! Pink hair! :)
And I love it.
thoughts?? ;) (fyi: only the front is pink... i'm not THAT brave...)


Now playing: David Gray - Now and Always
via FoxyTunes


Nicole said...

Not something I could evre do to myslef but I thik you always look so cute! :)

jeramy sossaman said...

I think I've seen that before.....right? Cute! Happy Birthday!

Chelle said...

Love it Bri!!! Sierra had pink hair for awhile. It looks really cute on you! You go girl!

Sharon said...

I love your hair! Super fun!

Anonymous said...

oh my.... I'm so jealous.. I wish I had the courage to do something like that with my hair... it's really nice!

Nicholle said...

OH MY! Your hair is PINK!!!

You are so brave!!!

Miss you!

Natalie said...

Hi Bri!!! How is my retired AHA rep??? LOL!! J/K!!! I just wanted to bring up 'old stuff'. LOL! Pink hair? I really like it!!! You absolutely can pull that off! So Im browsing through your blog, and you are one busy mama! Im so proud of you! Your boys look so big!!!